Sunday, September 27, 2009

Vitamins And Antioxidants

The Secret To Create A Well-Balanced Diet

Now that you're attempting to create a well-balanced diet that you know you can follow, you'll want to find out more about the relationship between vitamins and antioxidants so that you can make better eating choices. Antioxidants work to keep infection and sickness away from the body, and vitamins serve to strengthen the muscles and bones so that you'll have all the energy that you need. Here are some of the foods you'll want to eat that are rich in both vitamins and antioxidants.

First, it's important to remember that some vitamins actually are antioxidants. Vitamins A, C, and E are rich in the properties that keep the skin from aging, and regulate the flow of blood in the body. Vitamin A makes for normal bone development and great eyesight, vitamin C keeps the immune system strong and can aid in skin health, and vitamin E keeps your hair healthy, helps to clear your skin, and makes your nails grow. Each of these vitamins fight off disease and infection, including cancer cells, and can help the body to process the nutrients in your food quicker.

Food that are rich in fiber are also rich in vitamins and antioxidants in most cases. Whole grain pasta that is made from flour that is not processed will definitely help you to create a healthy diet, and you should also eat items like brown rice and whole grain breads to make sure that you're ridding the body of toxins on a regular basis.

There are also a number of food items that contain selenium, which is an antioxidant that works well with vitamin C. Red meats like steak or lamb, as well as fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, should be eaten on a regular basis so that you'll have more energy and get the iron that you need to transport oxygen to the blood. This will keep your skin from looking flushed, and will help to avoid developing conditions like anemia.

If you're having trouble getting enough vitamins and antioxidants in your diet, you may want to start drinking natural fruit and vegetable juices that will give you all the nutrients you need. Companies like Vemma Nutrition Company earned their “Best Overall” rating of all juices tested with “Sky-high vitamin C levels and solid in antioxidants. Also, green teas are rich in both vitamins and antioxidants, so drinking a bottle a day may give you the energy you need when you're following a balanced diet.

Source: James McMullen